Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Week 5 - Creative Process includes organization

This week I read about the process a designer should take in order to do a job well done.

An interview by Saul Bass encountered a problem, by young designers and students: “They are not privy to process; he noted. They may have the illusion that these things really spring full-blown out of the head of some designer. This is a very unsettling perception for young people, because they struggle with their work. They have a go at it… They redo… It gets better… It slips…It gets worse…it comes back… It comes together. And maybe it’s something that’s pretty good, even excellent. But they say to themselves, ‘Gee, it comes hard and it’s so difficult. Am I really suited for this?’ This is a questions that we all face at one point or another as a designer or not.”

(Quote on pg. 135 side bar)

Recipe for a healthy jobs well done.
- Talent
- Industriousness
- Dedication
- Love of your craft

What is your ‘style’ like? Or better yet what was said to replace the word ‘style’ with ’voice’. What kind of voice do you have to offer. How could we know what we each are.

- First creative conviction – Have to believe in something!
- Second is personality –
- Thirdly is a question of awareness of fashion

Being original is important to make it out in the real world. This depends on your clientele and how many you will be able to have. This however is not always the case because according to the British designer Julian House said: “I don’t believe in originality as an absolute, – I think it’s more to do with interesting twists on existing forms.” It’s okay to borrow the idea but to illustrate it in a way that it hasn’t been seen before. Once the client is there in the beginning of meeting with them it’s said that it is good to do a brief. This represents good communication with you and your client, their needs and what the results could turn up as. Briefs do not always work in favor of you as a designer, a good example of this is Swiss designer, Bruno Monuzzi his project to only use two elements for a poster and came up with a great masterpiece.

Before you even begin a brief do not forget of the research that you have to do also remember to look at your competition and what they have. Not to copy but to know what needs to be done differently. A brief is important because it sets requirements:
- Purpose
- Commercial considerations
- Budget
- Time
- Media channels
- Etc.

I have always been somewhat organized with my work through out my years as a college student. I am able to find documents, pictures and tons of bookmarks that I did not even remember I had saved in my hard drive.
In Designing a Digital Portfolio while reading chapter 5 I found out a different way of organizing digital files the five disciplines that were given were: Group (Use folders and link them) , Name (Unique naming, and Descriptively, Briefly, Inclusively), Show (Use thumbnails and customize folder icons), Weed (Simplify, and Update), and a Backup (The most important and I include myself on this one that I tend to forget to backup).

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