Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Week 6 - New book new ideas

The new book that I am reading is Building design Portfolios by Sara Eisenman. This book talks a lot about how one should present there work. Just by the design and cover of the book you can tell thought was put into it the way that it’s shaped because of the title and because it has a magnet as to protect the pages from ruining and giving it some style. The first chapter was about making a working portfolio by working they mean one that catches the audience attention and it also showed different types of portfolios and there are so many to choose from. The layouts are well organized and have many ideas as what to do.

– Digitizing traditional work

While reading Designing A Digital Portfolio chapter six was helpful in teaching how to Digitize all the work that will go into my portfolio. In reading this chapter I picked up a lot of ideas about scanning and what types of scanners are good for a certain project. One of the most important things to remember that it is all about the paper, depending on that it will reflect a good quality output. It is best recommended to go directly from camera to computer if you it is something that will look better rather then scanning and then modifying any color changes. Also encourages to use a good-quality scanner for my digital portfolio.

“In the end, your portfolio is all about your work. Digitizing that work successfully is the first step to a quality portfolio. ” This will let the viewer know that you are knowledgeable in doing this scanning and printing work and are ready for more challenges.

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